Arts & Culture, Blockchain
Website & App Development
Secrets Exchange
Secrets Exchange is a blockchain-based art project that connects strangers through secrets. It premiered at the Codame ART+TECH Festival.
Future Foundry was brought on to overhaul Secrets Exchange–we redesigned the frontend, revamped the app’s infrastructure, and handled integration with the Ethereum blockchain via Solidity. We expanded the app’s functionality to include the ability to mint custom NFT’s pairing a stranger’s secret with an original piece from the artist, while also drastically reducing maintenance costs.
Secrets Exchange is a blockchain-based art project that connects strangers through secrets. It premiered at the Codame ART+TECH Festival.
Future Foundry was brought on to overhaul Secrets Exchange–we redesigned the frontend, revamped the app’s infrastructure, and handled integration with the Ethereum blockchain via Solidity. We expanded the app’s functionality to include the ability to mint custom NFT’s pairing a stranger’s secret with an original piece from the artist, while also drastically reducing maintenance costs.
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